* Fixed durability per shot on Tranq rifle
* Non-Platform (regular) Quetz Saddle
* Sit on chairs & benches
* Apex-Kill Trophy Wall-Mounts, Artifact Pedestals
* Mosasaurus: Terror of the Deep!
* Creature Breeding & Babies First Pass! Yes, they grow dynamically in real-time!
* Characters no longer bunny-hop when swimming up from the water surface
* Engrams now longer count against maximum inventory item limit
* Shotgun damage increased by 40% for Primitive Shotgun, 30% for Machined Shotgun
* Dinos can no longer damage structures through underside of ceilings
* Changed savedata loading code to support super-large saves.
* Antispeedhack now has a commandline bias you can use on your server (can cause more rubberbanding on laggy players). Defaults to 1.0, you can launch with it such as:
* Tranq Darts reduced crafting cost to 1 rifle bullet, 2 metal ingots, 3 narcotics, and buffed tranq dart Torpidity by 20%
* Fixed misc level bugs, including bad physics zones, non-buildable submerged ice caves, unreachable supply drops etc
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