Server Info: - 5x EXP Rate. - 6x Gather Rate. - 7x Tame Rate. - 94 Player level. - 150 Max Wild Level Dinos. IP: Server Mod´s: 479295136 Aku Shima 598349626 Door Remote 520571584 MyPersonalDragon 547099024 PimpMyRex Server Rules: Hacking/Cheating is a bannable offense: If caught hacking, you will be and reported to the Ark global ban list. No racism in chat: Respect all players and admins. We're all here to have fun. No Land/Water cave building or blocking: Give everyone a chance to get the cave artifacts and special loot that spawns in caves. No blocking access to resources: Do NOT build in areas where you are blocking necessary resources. All players should have access to mountain tops. (Volcano too) No excessive Jailing: Do NOT keep players jailed/tranqed for over 30mins. During an active raid, jail/tranq limit is increased to 1hr. Kritik bzw. Verbesserungsvorschläge nehmen wir gerne an.