[GER]Inglorious Bastards[PVP] MODS 50xXP/50xT/10xG Active Admin Server Info: - 50x EXP Rate. - 10x Gather Rate. - 50x Tame Rate. - 300 Player level. - 120 Max Wild Level Dinos. - 350 Max Tamed Dino levels. - Dino Difficulty 4. - 5 player per Tribe -------NIGHT PROTECTION------- 01:00AM - 10:00AM (CET/MEZ) Server Mod´s: 534838287 Industrial Grinder 510590313 Metal with Glass Set 520879363 Stairs Mod with Rounded Walls 509791002 Tranquilizer Weapons Mod 510854250 ItemTweaks (big stacks, lighter weights, pocket items) 506506101 Better Beacons 533828549 No Collision 590046776 Mini Industrial Forge 558651608 Bridge 576432474 Skin Mod Server Rules: Hacking/Cheating is a bannable offense: If caught hacking, you will be and reported to the Ark global ban list. No racism in chat: Respect all players and admins. We're all here to have fun. New players and/or tribes to the server will be given a 7 days protection period where they are not allowed to be attacked: will be indicated with a Red colored Metal Billboard that will be placed next to the base of the protected player and/or tribe. [ no Billboard no protection ] No Land/Water cave building or blocking: Give everyone a chance to get the cave artifacts and special loot that spawns in caves. No blocking access to resources: Do NOT build in areas where you are blocking necessary resources. All players should have access to mountain tops. (Volcano too) No excessive Jailing: Do NOT keep players jailed/tranqed for over 30mins. During an active raid, jail/tranq limit is increased to 1hr. Kritik bzw. Verbesserungsvorschläge nehmen wir gerne an. ark-servers.net/server/30557/ steamcommunity.com/groups/IB-ARK